(w)ORD is a creative collaboration between Scottish and Norwegian artists looking at common historical, cultural and geographical connections, with an emphasis on linguistic links between the two countries. It was instigated by the artists and co-curators, Imi Maufe form the Bergen Ateliergruppe (BAG) in Norway and David Faithfull from the Society of Scottish Artist (SSA) in Scotland.
Following a workshop residency on the Isle of Mull off the West coast of Scotland in June 2018, the second stage of the residency programme took place in Bergen and Gulen, on the West Coast of Norway from the 24th of August to the 6th of September 2019.
The workshop residency began with an introductory one-day seminar at the BAG studios on the 24thof August as part of this year’s BAG Art Camp 2019, with invited academic speakers, interwoven with word play exercises facilitated by the Bergen based artist group, Tekst. 
As well as the artists presenting their own work, speakers at the seminar included Eldar Heide presenting research on Place Names and nautical orientation in early fjord history, Hanne Sophie Greve looking at language and early printed texts , Øystein Jansen discussing the Geology and rock formations of the Norwegian coastline and Sabine Popp presenting her artistic investigations on marine kelp forests. 
During their time in Bergen the artists also made field trips to the Hordamuseum (Folk Museum), were given a tour by the local Bergen Skogsselskapet (Bergen Forestry Group) and visited the Manuscript and Department of Special Collections at the University of Bergen Library.  This was followed by a visit and letterpress printmaking session at the Bergens Tekniske Museum Print workshop.
After this initial period of research and learning, the (w)ORD artists travelled by express ferry to a traditional fjord smallholding in Gulen. Then through discussions, group activities, collaborations and individual investigations the artists developed work and collectively discussed the developing themes and the next stages of the project. 
One scheduled event, included a guided tour nearby of the old Viking Parliament at Gulating, which mirrored the significance of the ancient Viking raids on Mull in Scotland between the 8thand 12th centuries.
The (w)ORD artists are currently investigating exhibition opportunities in both Norway and Scotland, alongside the publication of an accompanying publication and/or Artists Book. 
The participants for (w)ORD 2019 were:

Norwegian Artists:
Marit Tunestveit Dyre
Sarah Jost
Imi Maufe
David A Rios
Randi Annie Strand
Scottish Artists:
David Faithfull
David Lemm 
Jon Mcleod
Calum Wallis

(w)ORD is part of this year’s BAG Art Camp 2019 has been organised by Imi Maufe (BAG) and Sarah Jost (BAG) in Norway, in collaboration with 
David Faithfull and the SSA in Scotland.
For more info about the Bag Art Camp and the 2018 blog visit:
www.bagartcamp.no/2019.html or www.w18ord.blogspot.comor www.s-s-a.org

(w)ORD 2019 was financially supported by Bergen Kommune, Creative Scotland and the artists involved.

With special thanks to Solveig and Orlaug Brekke for their amazing hospitality in letting us stay at their smallholding at Tjuvika in Gulen a
nd to Magnhild Brekke for her enlightening talk on the living history of the place.

Additional thanks to all the participants of the seminar and for those taking time to show us the hidden insights in and around Bergen and to everyone else who helped, supported and collaborated with the (w)ORD project.